The Song
Music at Work’s Song Machine is a recurring list of the top songs & productions available across all clients, writers and artists we represent. This service includes pitching to a global database of A-level artists and is tailor-made to all people in the industry – A&R’s, Artists, Labels, Publishers etc.
We have placed records with the likes of Alle Farben, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Showtek, Eli & Fur, Deepend, Valentino Khan, Rita Ora, Loud Luxury.
Our catalogue spans multiple genres ranging from commercial dance anthems, certified radio singalongs, folk pop, rap, latin and more. If you are in the market to search for that next record for your artists, The SongMachine can provide you with a tailor-made selection for your artists upon request.
Are you interested to hear what we have in store? Please reach out to and we would gladly assist you in finding that record for your artists.

100th Meridian Music
Label Services
Music at Work is experienced in global rollouts of repertoire, while promoting and marketing successfully throughout. This service, called 100th Meridian Music including top-line global distribution, is available to labels and artists that want to release independently and are looking for a more boutique approach than being 1 of 100 acts on a label. Music at Work has been providing label services for years, most notably for R3HAB’s very successful CYB3RPVNK label, having helped him gain over 23 million monthly listeners and achieve over 1 billion streams on his independent label alone. Other label clients include Florian Picasso, Dante Klein, Cimo Fränkel and Ayko among others.

Legal & Consultancy
Music at Work uses its 30+ years of International experience to offer consultancy in the broadest sense to all entertainment businesses or individual clients needing advice, deal support, and contract help in all facets. The company has a full-fledged 4 person legal department available for anybody in the entertainment business looking for expert consultation.
The team is experienced in all fields of music, film, international trade law, rights and registrations. Clients include MDLBeast LLC, Chocolate City Records, YAP Agency, Replete Music, 3LAU, Tomorrowland, DAW Productions as well all the management and label services clients of Music at Work.
Email for more information and/or a free consultation.